April 5, 2013

SA&M Preccelerator Company Splash Announces Launch Of Its Beta Website

SA&M Preccelerator company Splash has announced that it has launched it's beta website.  To subscribe, visit http://splash.io

Rethinking mobile sharing:  following topics, not people.

You love the Ninja Turtles, Scottish Quilting and Extreme Marathoning. But do your friends? There are better sources for your passions that remain untapped by your social graph.

Splash finds it odd that social products source content mainly from who you friend/follow. Splash filters everything based on context, or topics. They determine which posts you see, and who you share with. Splash let's you share and consume content based only on what you are passionate about, and not who you know.

To follow Splash on Angel List, visit https://angel.co/splash-2

For more information about our Preccelerator Program, contact Heidi Hubbeling at (818) 444-4526 or hhubbeling@stubbsalderton, and visit our Preccelerator page.

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